How to make a google drive link public
How to make a google drive link public

There does not appear to be a direct solution for users who do not want their email displayed when they share a file. Apparently, this is not a setting that can be configured as I unsuccessfully tried to tinker with Google privacy settings: However, now that I think about it, just because a user shares a file with the world, does not necessarily mean they wish to share all the above information. " I am a rich Nigerian prince and have some great news for you!!"). Fortunately, my messages were along the lines of praise (" hey cool file. I assumed this was common knowledge, but in the last two weeks, I've contacted two people who were surprised I found their email addresses.

  • All changes to the file name (friendly warning against temporary names such as: " stupid project my boss is making me do").
  • All editing activity including a timestamp.
  • Your name (as shown when you click here).
  • When you share a read-only/link file on Google Drive, did you know that you're probably sharing the following information?

    how to make a google drive link public how to make a google drive link public

    The intent of this post is to inform readers that if they choose to share a file with the global internet - their email address IS visible but the below instructions provide a couple of work arounds.

    how to make a google drive link public

    I have chosen not to disclose the methods because I suspect they would be used for more harm than good. However, there are still at least two ways to discover a file owner's email address (Editors' email addresses remain concealed). UPDATED: In August of 2020, Google changed the settings to conceal the address from being seen by way of the method described below.

    How to make a google drive link public